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Bishop Shon Stewart

our Bishop & Senior Servant 

Pastor Shon Stewart

Shon Dwayne Stewart is the youngest of four children to the late Deacon and Mrs. Albert Stewart. He hails from the major metropolises of “Sweet” Orange, Texas. He has one brother James Stewart, two sisters Phyliss Stewart and Trichee Stewart-Abraham. While in his home city, he served at the Historic Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church as a youth choir director, usher and deacon. November 1993, Shon accepted his call to the ministry and preached his first sermon. He was licensed by the Rev. Dr. Sylvester Smith, Junior. In addition to his local work, he served in the General Bowen District Association as the Vice President of the youth congress, under the leadership of the late Moderator Rev. Dr. George Woodson Daniels, Beaumont, Texas.


Shon served as a minister and mid-week bible study teacher at the Greater Pure Light Missionary Baptist Church where the Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Broussard serves as Pastor. Following the leading of the spirit of God, Shon joined the Starlight Church of God In Christ, where E. B. Lindsey is Pastor. Shon served the youth department, and worked closely with the outreach and evangelism team.


Shon was ordained, commissioned as Pastor of Freedom Church Houston and Overseer within the Konionia Ecumenical Council of Churches and Ministries by His Eminence Bishop Leroy J. Woodard, Pastor of Christian Rescue Mission Church. He lead worship, ministerial training and lead the charge to the opening of the third location in Sugar Land, Texas.


During his middle and high school years, Shon lead the charge and reestablished the Orange Branch Youth and College Division of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. During his tenure as the local president, he elevated to the office of Vice President for the state of Texas. Nationally, serving on the ways and means committee where his work lead to his awarding of the Roy Wilkins Scholarship.


Shon has matriculated through the finest historic black college and university God set upon the land, passionately known as Prairie View A&M University. During his time, he earned his Bachelor of Social Work with a minor in English Education. Continuing on to his Master of Science in Counseling. Finishing his professional education at Concordia University focused on Educational Leadership. His purpose is to level the field so that minorities have not only a seat at the table, but have an advocate that will fight for their future.


Currently, Shon is Senior Servant of Freedom Church, Houston, Texas. He has a unique and powerful ability to teach and preach the word of God with simplicity. Pastor Shon has been anointed not only carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but has a powerful altar ministry that has brought change into the lives of believers.


Pastor Shon has been in Christian ministry for the past nineteen years. Ministry emphases are placed on teaching, preaching, Christian counseling, administration and spiritual growth. It is his belief, that anyone who believes in the power of God has the ability to live within their freedom. Pastor Shon believes in one principal….they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40: 28-31)

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Message: "You ARE coming out of this."

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